Friday, June 8, 2012



This video shows what happens when you put 30 teachers with 2,000 ping pong balls in microgravity on the Zero-G plane.  It is very similar to what I will be doing on my flight....minus the ping pong balls.  The ping pong balls float around until the plane flies down again and they feel gravity again, and everyone falls to the floor of the plane!  I love this video!

What else do you think would act differently in Microgravity?  Please post a comment or even a picture of how you think your object will react.  I can't wait to see the great ideas you have!

Thank you, Ms. Isonhood

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Guess who was on NM Style!

NASA Teacher:

If you attended the NASA Video Conference, you just might see yourself on here too...